The Foreknowledge of God

It is something special to be caught in the foreknowledge of God, when you look back and all you can say is, WOW!

Less than two hours before crossing the Canadian border for a week long vacation, I received an email asking if I would like my 2020 calendar to be featured on the front of the Upper Colombian Conference ABC’s fall flier. There was no question in my mind, it would be an honor! The email stated that if I wished to proceed they would need a photo of the calendar cover as soon as possible.

I had been promoting the new calendar on my website for several weeks. I managed to get a message to my web designer asking her to email me the file so I could pass it onto the design team.

Cell service was sketchy as we traveled through the mountains so I was unsure if my email actually sent. To make sure it was delivered I sent it twice. We were two cars behind in the lineup to cross the border when I received an email stating they had received the files and would like to confirm the advertised price.

As we entered Canada and my phone displayed “no service” the realization of what just happened struck me. During the five seasons that I have prepared calendars this was the first time I had designed the cover before completing all twelve paintings. It was very evident to me that God knew the future and had prepared me for what I needed.

“I will thank you, Lord, with all my heart; I will tell of all the marvelous things You have done. I will be filled with joy because of You. I will sing praises to Your name, O Most High.” Psalm9:1 & 2 NLT

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6 thoughts on “The Foreknowledge of God”

  1. I love when we ‘see’ God’s hand working in our lives. I honestly think we would see it more if we just looked closer. God’s favor be upon you!

  2. Thank you, Shawna, for ministering Life to my spirit with The Word coming alive in your precious paintings. Everyone is like taking a deep breath-in from the well spring of HOPE and Truth, a sweet reminder from Our Lord Himself. Thank you!

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