Why Does He Allow It?
“And we know that God causes everything to work together for the good of those who love God and are called according to His purpose for them.” -Romans 8:28 Then why did God allow my husband to cut through the knuckles of all four fingers? Why was my baby born with a birth defect? Why was my father left with a painful disease? Why was…. and the list goes on.
As time passes and the rawness of these events lessen, my thoughts start to untangle. If I am truly honest with myself I know God never abandoned me or those I love. He was there. He was there when my husband called for help, only a miracle could explain it. He was there in answer to our prayers and miraculously intervened in our daughter’s health. He was there by my parents’ side giving them comfort as my father fought with pain.
More recently my thoughts were stepped up a notch.
I was commissioned to do a painting in memory of a young mother who lost her fight with cancer. The verse she had claimed until her last breath was Jeremiah 29:11 “For I know the plans I have for you, says the LORD. They are plans for good and not for disaster, to give you a future and a hope.”
One could look at the outcome and say God didn’t keep His bargain, but did He? He most certainly gave her hope to hang on, as well as giving her peace. She knew she had a future in the life to come, free of sickness pain and heartache.
God didn’t say we would never experience loss, sickness, or pain. He sees the big picture and although He daily showers us with gifts He is more concerned with our eternal well being.
From the words quoted by a child for whom I also painted in memory of:
“This is my command—be strong and courageous! Do not be afraid or discouraged. For the LORD your God is with you wherever you go.” Joshua 1:9 Yes, He was there with this dear child as He promises to be with all His children in every situation we may find ourselves in.
“For I reckon that the sufferings of this present time are not worthy to be compared with the glory which shall be revealed in us.” Romans 8:18 NIV
Very encouraging for all of us. We all need a tiny seed of faith… not our will… but God’s in our lives. It is a very hard pill to swallow and I fail so many times.. but as far as the East is from the West, God forgives us. He lives ya and he knew us before we were born. He knows his plans for us. We just got to have faith!!
Truly a beautiful post We May never know the “Why” of things and that is okay What we need to know is that God has promised to always be with us and that he always keeps his promise Hard times come and hard times pass We need only to grab the hands of God and hold on
Thank you for the encouragement Agnes. Yes, we are safe in His hands.
Nice post. Encouraging and uplifting. Comforting. My husband wrote along these lines today. We are just passing through here with Jesus at our side every step of the way. We are to keep our eyes fixed on Jesus; declare Him to every living soul. Thank you for the post.
Thank you for the encouragement. Yes, we are just passing through it won’t be long and sin, sickness, death and pain will be done away with forever.
Is thus painting available for purchase? I want to get it for a friend who has a child with Down Syndrome AND a younger child with brain cancer. She’s a precious, loving mother and she saw your painting and mentioned she’d love to have it framed. Please let me know if it’s available for purchase. Thank you!
Hi Cindy,
There is so much sadness and pain in this world… The painting “A Small Sparrow Safe In His Hands” was painted In Memory of Katelyn (Luce) Wilson
It was commissioned & named by Katelyn’s family. Cancer took her life at the young age of 27 but did not taker her hope and peace. Katelyn’s faith still encourages others to find their strength in Jesus. You can visit Katelyn’s blog “Flight of a Small Sparrow” at flightofasmallsparrow.wordpress.com The original was purchased by Katelyn’s sister and gifted to their parents. Signed and numbered prints are avail able for $21.00 https://www.shawnawrightart.com/store/A-Small-Sparrow-In-His-Hands-Signed-&-Numbered-Print-p115375658
Last week my husband was working alone on a large block of land. He tripped and fell towards his chainsaw.He did cut a tendon in his hand that has been repaired but we believe God gave him the sense in a split second to push the chainsaw out of the way and protect his stomach. He was also able to wrap his hand and drive hinself home so I could take him to emergency. God saved him from a far worse situation..
Praise the Lord he was kept from a more serious injury!