Behind The Scenes
You may have seen her sad story during the news cast of the Chattanooga tornadoes Easter night. A
woman’s vehicle stalled on a bridge and swept away in the flood. Stories like these leave me feeling
helpless and sick. There was nothing I could have done to prevent it, did she know Jesus?
We see the signs all around us that Jesus is soon to return. Like the Easter flood many will be
caught off guard. I want them to know, I want them to be ready! What I do seems so small
compared to the need of our world. I asked God to give me a ministry, something to do for Him. He
answered– He handed me a brush and told me to paint. Should I question Him now? Did I hear
Him right?
I am reminded of the story of Elisha and His servant. They were severely outnumbered. “Then
Elisha prayed, ‘O Lord, open his eyes and let him see!’ The Lord opened the young man’s eyes, and
when he looked up, he saw that the hillside around Elisha was filled with horses and chariots of
fire.” 2 Kings 6:17 Just because I can’t see it does that mean that God is standing by watching
helplessly? No, a hundred time no! Once in a while like Elisha’s servant I get a small glimpse into
the behind-the-scenes. Stories of how my paintings have made their way to people at just the right
Recently I received a letter from a man in prison. He had watched the TV interview where I told my
story and he was touched. He was especially drawn to the painting with Psalm 92 on it. Months
later the interview was again aired. I will let Him finish the story.
“This time I prayed that God might let me have one of your pictures. I didn’t have to wait long. The
very next night each of us inmates were handed care packages of various hygiene items a book and
cards. I was so excited to see that I didn’t have one, but five pictures!”
He went on to say how he shared my story with several other inmates who were also touched.
Remember the woman who’s vehicle stalled on the bridge? Not long after receiving the letter from
the inmate, another story was related to me and like Elisha my eyes were again opened to a glimpse
of a bigger picture. I will let a dear servant of God relay the story in her words.
“A sweet young single mom I was mentoring in the Renew program at Calvary Chapel sadly was
swept away in the floods of our neighboring county when her vehicle stalled on a bridge… I have
been sending her one of your cards once a week for about 15 months. She had accepted Jesus in our
jail ministry and was doing so well at Renew! She was home for Easter… your cards have such a
huge impact!!”
This story touched me deeply.
I return to my desk hands outstretched “Here are my hands God, please use them how you deem
So beautiful how He does things.
You have a precious ministry Shawna. He is giving you some very special reasons to keep your hands busy! Blessings🌷
God clearly wants you to do exactly what you are doing! I often think that God works in mysterious ways, but God also works in very human ways. Small acts of kindness can make a big difference in someone’s life. May God continue to bless you and your ministry.
So beautiful to hear how The Light is shining through you, Shawna! It’s so exciting to partner with Him.
An inspiring story indeed! Thank you. A great reminder that God is the one who does the choosing of whose hearts to touch, the when and how. I pray God will help us both to continue doing the work He has place in our hearts to do, and trust Him with the rest.
My heart soars when I am privileged to hear ways God is working in all of our lives! Thank you for your story!
Shawna, what amazing revelations of how God is using you in the ministry he gave you! We never know what God does with what seems to us like the little we give Him. You’re witness is definitely for God and He is spreading it far and wide. Heaven will be so much fun as we learn how He’s used us!
Shawna, the calm through
….the color of your art,
….scripture references
….and the testimony brings blessings to many.
Following Him in obedience with the gifts He alone gives must spur each of us on to draw ALL to His saving grace.
Bless you for the encouragement!
Wow! What joy you must feel when you hear these stories. God is so wonderful!