He still calms storms
I received a message from a friend. “Do you know the song ‘Rock Little Boat’? I would like to sing it for church this Sabbath, could you play it?”
Did I know it?! I was instantly taken back to age four.
I can still picture the black tape recorder… I could hear in my mind my grandmother’s voice accompanied by her organ, and the deep growly tones of my Grandfather singing, “Rock, rock, rock, little boat on the sparkling sea. Rock, rock, rock, dear Jesus rides in thee, Rock, rock, rock, o’er the waters swiftly flee, For Jesus rides in the little boat on blue Galilee”

My week had been one of sorrow and distress. I was caught in a raging storm, the kind that only the devil can dream up. I felt like I was “drowning and was gasping for air”! As my memories were awakened I began to sing, “Rock, rock, rock” My shoulders began to relax, they seemed to be as if in a vice these days. “rock, rock, rock” I continued singing.
My friend had sent me the sheet music to review. I referenced it as the words to the verses were a dim memory.
“He had toiled that day doing good to all ‘was tired as He could be, so He went to sleep in the little boat, On beautiful Galilee.”
Again I closed my eyes and sang “Rock, rock, rock… then opened them to reference the next verse.
“Then the clouds grew dark and the winds blew hard, the waves rolled o’er the sea. The disciples feared in the little boat, on stormy Galilee. Rock, rock, rock…” My voice cracked and tears sprang into my eyes, as I knew what was coming next. “When Jesus woke and saw the storm, He said to the waves, Be still! Then the sky grew bright and the winds were calm, The waves obeyed His will! Rock, rock, rock…”
My friend, as unusual as it may seem, did sing this child’s song for special music. Both her introductory words refer to the storms of life and remind us that we aren’t alone, and the song itself seemed as if God had arranged them just for me. He had spoken through her and said “Peace be still!”
“Then He asked them, “Why are you afraid? Do you still have no faith?…” Luke 8:25
Thank you dear Shawna. Yes I know that life is never easy. There are times when I wonder why certain traumas too immense to bear are put onto our shoulders. Only when focusing on the cross and what the Lord did for me and look back to remember how He has carried me can I find peace and assurance that He will do so always.
Shalom to you. Thank you for sharing your lovely paintings and inspirational words. Marlene
Thank you! I am happy to say that I wrote this over a week ago. God has performed a miracle and although I do not see a resolution I can in faith relax and even celebrate knowing that He has everything in control.