Free Audio Books
Audio books and videos that will build your faith in God and His word.
A Thousand Shall Fall by Susie Hasel Mundy
The Great Controversy (A dramatized audio book)
What is the world coming to? The news media may tell you what is happening, but this book will tell you what is going to happen! The Great Controversy begins at the dawning of the Christian era, traces the rise and fall of nations and religious powers down to our day, then plunges ahead to preview the future. What this book see’s coming is not based on guesswork, it is based on the Bible which has never been wrong and has never missed yet in its prophecies.
Few people alive today realize that this earth is the primary battle zone of a cosmic war that erupted in the universe thousands of years ago. Fewer still know why the war is being fought and how it will end. But after reading this book, you’ll be one of them!
The Hiding Place by Corrie Ten Boom
Corrie ten Boom was a Dutch watchmaker who became a heroine of the Resistance, a survivor of Hitler’s concentration camps, and one of the most remarkable evangelists of the twentieth century. In World War II she and her family risked their lives to help Jews and underground workers escape from the Nazis, and for their work they were tested in the infamous Nazi death camps. Only Corrie among her family survived to tell the story of how faith ultimately triumphs over evil.
George Muller of Bristol
George Muller was a great hero of faith. His greatest aim was to demonstrate that God answers prayer and can be trusted for every minute detail of life. Spending countless hours asking God to provide his needs, he only relied upon God. God called him to care for orphans and he conducted his orphanage in the same way, on faith alone. When a certain need was apparent, they would immediately go to God in prayer. In this dynamic dependence on God, He always proved faithful. He also established over a hundred schools, educating over a hundred thousand people! His example of absolute dependence on God stands in the gap of history to declare that God is enough, and He is faithful! ((Summary by Kimberly Krause)
Note from Shawna: I am personally grateful, not only for how my personal faith has been encouraged and flamed by Mr. Muller’s story but also, that my own great grandmother was one of the orphans he cared for.